(Last Updated: May 24, 2014)
MetabolicDesserts.com was designed to facilitate the offer of highly discounted products and services from a select group of online merchants.
“You” or “Your” means you as a participant in or as a user of the MetabolicDesserts.com website. “We” or “Our” or “Us” means MetabolicDesserts.com. “Our site” means MetabolicDesserts.com.
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Affiliate Disclosure
We may receive financial compensation from vendors whose products we endorse from this site or from within any newsletter which may have an opt-in form appearing on this site. In most cases we are highly familiar with the nature of the products we recommend, having thoroughly inspected them or used them. However, this is not always the case and we reserve the right to recommend products or services that have been recommended to us by sources we deem trustworthy.
We hope this information satisfies any questions or concerns you may have regarding the terms of service for MetabolicDesserts.com. If any of the information on this page suggests to you that you are NOT in favor of our approach to doing business, please do not use this web site.
If you have additional questions or wish to discuss this matter further, you can either use the Contact page on this site OR contact us directly at: supportATmetabolicdessertsDOTcom (Please replace “AT” with @ and “DOT” with .)